we had an extremely great super duper good time in singapore all tho so much shit things happened since our 1st day.
shit thing that happened to us:
1st day: we missed our flight (7.30am) sbb makan nasi lemakkkk! arggg so had to buy new flight (10.30am) tix which cost 3x the price of the first tix!
2nd day: went to sentosa island and dah beli the attraction tix but then x sempat masuk the fort siloso sbb dah tutup!! burn lagi duit! adoiiii
3rd day: went to snow city pastu si rooney lost her camera memory card
4th day: went to theme park sampai2 escape theme park, it was closed rupenye die x bukak on week days.. thank god the wild wild wet theme park was open!
5th day: x de benda malang yeay!
besides shit happens we also had a great time and byk benda bertuah berlaku!
1st day: made new friend with org air asia yg ajak we all pg singapore next time with her for shopping! and make new friends dgn photographer singapore zoo!
2nd day: made new friend with sabran the s***** picker! hahaha.. yeah anise pon make new friend with b*****! and sgt byk mamat berdarahhh! ohhhh.. haha
3rd day: we did lots of shopping!
4th day: at wild wild wet pon we made new friends dgn life guard sane *wooot*!! hahaha.. and anise mate juling byk sgt benjol and 7e !
5th day: yess we all x miss the bus back to malaysia!!! yeehaaaa!
wel we did made lots of new friends there!
currently listening to: the strokes - you only live once
HAHAHAHA! Sdp sgt ke weh nasi lemak smpi missed flight!
hahaha.. x sedap pon!!
tu laa i nk bakar asian kitchen kat lcct tu!
can i say i'm jealous?
best nyaaaaaaa
fun gylaaaa ! :D
hahaha.. ok laaa tp we had fun tpp dammm air asia tinggal kan ktorg!!
ada bungkus i laki berdarah? kyla a janji nak bungkuskan i laki berdarah satu
ohh ade kot!
bangla singapore utk yan satuuu!
cineblast tu mcm lwk i rase. sbb mse mula mula kene dga rules die sume igtkan tgk kt situ. haha. padahal ade bilik sebelah. luge n skyride tu syokkkkkk!
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