went with selat neleh a.k.a. illa laa skarang and her fren waa'ee (sorry x reti eja) to meet selat shahira before she went back to US tonite !.. so from subang i took the ktm to klsentral then took the putra lrt to kj and meet her there.. so she gave us some pressie (baju and PINK "ehem" thank you!) hehe.. and to selat richie (since u bz sgt berhoo-haa dkt vegas) dont worry ur mascara and eyeshadow are safe here with me!
i and neleh beli mag 17 and dpt free bag (colour yellow)! soo that is our shopping bag to shop at bijou! and yess ade org siap tanye mane we all beli.. hahaha
after jumpa shahira we went to KLpac naik star lrt.. sampai sentul naik taxi to KLpac tp x tau laa kenapa taxi driver dkat sentul ni x tau tempat tu kat mane.. adoiii.. so we went shopping at the bijou bazaar there and very happy sbb dpt beli byk barang! and that 17 bag sgt lah berjasa! we are environmentally friendly say no to plastic bag!hehehe.. and ohh i rase i jumpa boyf windududud laa kyla!
otw balik we all naik monorail pulak sbb neleh and kawan die nak pg pavilion pulak as for me, i nak balik rumah sbb im going to pavi esok with Hop.. otw balik jumpa nick jonas! wooot!! haha...
in conclusion: kuda awam paling lembab is the KTM puaka yg sgt laa lembab!!
currently not listening to anything..
haha apalah bahasa code u ni hana
u jumpe nick jonsa kat mane? hahah - Reza Z ;)
*eh... nick JONAS... bukan Nick Jonsa ;P
dkt dlm monerel!
haha.. u x tau die dtg malaysia ke?
weyh you jgn horny tgk mascara very extremely voluptious I tu dowh. sweet gila dowh i bg you rasmi dulu.
weyh , serious la you jumpa si nik jonah? putus tak bra you tgk dia dyke?
x putus pon... sbb die tu nik jongos! hahaha..
wehh x teruja ke i nampak boyf windududud??? hahaha
i x rasmi lg laa.. nnt laa i rasmi pg2 buta kt nak gerak pg Phua! haha..
Tu la time dating smlm
Nick pn ada ckp dia nmpk you.
wow.. jue x tau pulak u peminat nick jongos?? haha
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